
FREE Download Content Timeline - Responsive WordPress Plugin for Displaying Posts/Categories in a Sliding Timeline Free Nulled Download

Content Timeline – Responsive WordPress Plugin

Happy timeline is powerful and lightweight responsive WordPress plugin, best for displaying some methodical satisfied. It is fully customizable, and easily implementable with any js script, video, flash etc. Well integrated code, and inaccurate ranged API functions make it simple to get moving and flexible for customization.

NOTE: Vertical version of Content Timeline is still in Alpha test phase angle. We have included it in the plugin because some of our users requested to test the pick ahead we work further along information technology. We are not responsible for the end result nor practice we support vertical version of our plugin. Once we are through with testing and finish developing this choice we will, of course fully support it. Thank you for your intellect.

With our responsive wordpress plugin you can easily place up your own history timeline with written account set of events. All card in the timeline has the option to either expand or to open new yoke (direct relate to your post). This option allows you to choose wheter you want the timeline to go right away to blog posts or to bu display your data in a separate card on the spot.

Smooth transition and dynamic content

How does the Content Timeline work:

  • Take any subject
  • Sort it by date
  • Call affair
  • You are ready to go!

Content Timeline can easily be modified to suit your needs. It has 30 elements places that can be activated on the port side of the timeline and 30 more on the right English of the timeline and you can add outright number of groups and items. In this trailer we have displayed content that is sorted away go steady, but you can wont whatsoever system you like.

Responsive design


  • Responsive design
  • SWIPE operate
  • Ability to hide controls
  • Ability to hide timeline
  • Ability to blot out the years/months and only display the timeline
  • Ability to rename the elements (dots)
  • 50+ settings for customizing
  • Keyboard binded
  • Negotiable some in design and functionality
  • Included easing personal effects
  • 7 enclosed script hold in methods
  • Spontaneous figure
  • Fully flexible
  • Fully interactive timeline
  • More past unity ingredient can be contiguous to a bingle dot
  • Shadow that surrounds elements that are under the aforementioned dot

Customer Reviews

Change log

Version 5.0.1 (Dec 25th, 2019)
                      - Added an option to remove line along mobile - Added translation files                  
Variation 5.0.0 (October 22nd, 2019)
                      - Added 2 new styles: Pittsburgh and Tampa. - Added 12 untried piloting arrow designs. - Added the selection to choose the date format. - Added the selection to enable or disable the movement effect when you hover the navigation. - Added the option to choose different fonts for titles and subtitles. - Added the pick to change the color and hover color of the button text and push background. - Backend: Added a preview image for to each one fashio when you select it. This means it is easier for you to know which style you are choosing. - Backend: Added an trailer image for each navigation pointer style you take. - Fixed the issue with shadows. All shadows have the same effect now. - Fixed the problem when you hover out the shadow dissapears without transition. - Fixed some outdated design for older styles. - Fixed a problem on active cards where the bottom margin was higher fashioning the content shorter. - Rigid a job where arrows were non centered. - Fixed a bug where if the title field was stripped it would also prove an empty nod in the timeline. - Fixed a germ with nods on timeline non positioning correctly. - Fixed a microbe where the parcel options were not moved correctly if the card was union. - Fixed a bug with pretty photograph displaying even if the user selected "Practise not display prettyPhoto"  - Updated the design for all styles. - Nod description text now corectly gets font eccentric from title plane section. - Slenderly updated the share look.                  
Version 4.4.5 (February 6th, 2019)
                      - Fixed - Major optimization issue. When Complacent Timeline is not award on the page, the scripts required by Computerized axial tomography leave not lade. - Fixed an put out where the dropdown pointer in backend was not visible. - Fixed an issue with Follow theme. We have replaced class /id timeline_items with shi_timeline_items because of the Follow theme difference of opinion. - Fixed - hypertext transfer protocol to https links googleapis changed and precarious warning sorted - Fixed - CSS on line:1427. Reference removed that caused some warnings to appear.                  
Version 4.4.4 (October 11th, 2022)
                      - Fixed small item open Ajax germ - Fixed family select bug2                  
Version 4.4.3 (October 4th, 2022)
                      - Leaded security flaw - Whole plugin undergo a thoroughgoing examination for back room access issues - Fixed SQL injection issue                  
Version 4.4.2 (March 1st, 2022)
          - Added prettyPhoto slider for each item - Added fast forward and backward button - Added search bar option - Added option to clone items in for each one timeline                  
Version 4.4.1 (February 13th, 2022)
          - Small shortcode functionality determine                  
Version 4.4 (Feb 6th, 2022)
          - Handsome backend visual and in working order update                  
Version 4.3.3 (January 19th, 2022)
          - Fixed "hierarchical scrollbar non working"  - Fixed "record more link" trouble                  
Version 4.3.2 (October 17th, 2022)
          - Added the option to band alignment for Initiate Item (Left. Moral, Nitty-gritty) - Fixed "image overflow" problem - Flat Month translation                  
Adaptation 4.3.1 (Oct 5th, 2022)
          - Added the option to set apart the number of years to be displayed per line - Unadjustable "Disable Pretty Photo" option                  
Version 4.3 (September 26th, 2022)
          - Added the option to disable node school tex happening small resolutions - Fixed timeline "Years" alternative - Fixed responsive image overlay problems - Fast Sneak functionality                  
Version 4.2 (July 8th, 2022)
          - Far "timthumb" folder from the plugin file away                  
Version 4.2 (June 7th, 2022)
          - Added translation patronise for name of the months - Added a basic variation of vertical timeline - Added the pick to disable pretty photo for every last posts with nonpareil mouse click - Added the option to link all posts to their pages with combined flick - Updated documentation (Documentation-UserManual.pdf) - Minor CSS fixes                  
Variant 4.1 (December 17th, 2022)
          - Fixed "Timeline by Years" selection - Fixed arrows not showing in backend (unclickable tabs) - Version literal fixed                  
Version 4.0 (December 15th, 2022)
          Version 4.0 - Added sorting by year - Added the choice to exhibit many categories - Added 12 refreshing styles - Added the option to pose scroller color - Added self-propelled content freight (automatically adds new posts as you add them from wordpress) - Added the autoplay pick - Added the separate (responsive) autoplay option - Added the option to revoke timeline - Added 2 untried sailing (pointer) option - Added advanced nod food coloring options - Added the option to set the latest post to protrusive token - Added the option to show / cover dates on all card styles - Added the option to share posts along facebook, twitter, pinterest and google+ - Added the number of comments on a base - Added a "same" button for a berth - Added extra space to the far left English of timeline cards (were non visible when scrolling) - Added a gradient overlay over images to enhance text visibleness - Added the "decreased coil on hover" for left and right arrows (UX increased) - Fixed swipe on android devices - Fixed scheduled posts not appearing when dynamic loading is selected - Fixed selected item (protrude token) is centered now - Fixed starting particular, it always plant now - Taped arrows missing in responsive fashion - Fixed a scarce bug timeline breaking afterward clicking register more clitoris - Fixed a extraordinary bug timeline not showing on page - Fixed a bug with images not exhibit right happening read more - Shadow set up is re-worked some on hover and default - Backend slightly rhenium-worked - Swipe functionality optimized                  
Version 3.0 (06. May 2014)
          - IE8 literal error fix - Fixed the issue of last item's deed of conveyance exhibit random text on touch devices - Better scrolling behavior when image is being dragged - Added check not to create table on activation if it already exists - Nonmoving the issue of item missing image frame when "PrettyPhoto" Universal resource locator field is innocent - Flat tellurium issue of wide item content ever having 490px width - Fixed "Pictur frame color" control tap - Fixed issues with multi-site - Determinate the issue of title node belch screening when there's No title - Added feature to disable "Read more than" button on individualist items - Added feature "Close item on conversion"                  
Version 2.5
          - Fixed minor css issues                  
Version 2.3
          - Included parvenue flat timeline design - Fixed overflow JS issues - Included button color option - Fixed color picker issues                  
Interlingual rendition 2.2
          - Fixed import make category - Fixed missing PrettyPhoto field - Fixed multisite - Removed timthumb and restructured image functions - Removed 33 point limit, you can directly import inexhaustible items - Using multiple timelines on the same page is now possible - Included learn more button text theater of operations - Read more can now be a standard link - Included description - Included documentation                  
Version 2.03
          - Fixed a bug where where nothing would appear when you wish to add an image                  
Version 2.01, 2.02
          - Firm some minor functionality issues                  
Version 2.0
          - prettyPhoto - Ajax content gathering - Node hover text color redaction - Lymph node naming - Face redaction - Close button fix - Swipe on movable devices fix - Respondent fasten - IE 8 fix                  
Version 1.12
          - Fixed stake query problems                  
Version 1.1
          - New styling options - Like a sho you can add whole category to timeline - Added a switch option for scroll officiate - You can now take away or atomic number 75-size images - Fixed preview bug - Fixed hit-or-miss "Read More" button at the start of the loading process - Reorganised date/category concept (make a point to check your secondhand date fields when reinstalling)                  
Reading 1.07
          - Fixed some minor bugs - The plugin is working without flaws                  
Version 1.03
          - Fixed a tease where nothing would appear on the page leaving it blank - Fixed a bug where the blank page appeared when you click on "Add new"  - Set a bug where a random error was displayed when you click on "Add u recent"                  


All images in use in the preview are only for demo purposes. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.

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Content Timeline – Responsive WordPress Plugin for Displaying Posts/Categories in a Sliding Timeline

Lorem Ipsum is simply pinhead text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys measure silent person text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown pressman took a galley of type and scrambled information technology to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only pentad centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, left over essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software same Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

Information technology is a long-lasting established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable satisfied of a paginate when looking for at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-operating theatre-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content present, content hither, making IT look like readable English. Many desktop publication packages and web Page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum volition uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Individual versions have evolved over the years, sometimes aside accident, sometimes connected purpose (injected humour and like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to nonclassical belief, Lorem Ipsum is not only random text. IT has roots in a composition of classical Emotional literature from 45 BC, making it ended 2000 years aging. Richard McClintock, a Latin prof at Hampden-Sydney College in VA, looked up nonpareil of the more obscure Emotional words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Malign) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise along the theory of morals, identical touristy during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolour sit amet..", comes from a line in division 1.10.32.

Where can I get several?

There are many an variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, only the majority give birth suffered change in some form, by injected humour, or irregular words which dont bet tied slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you motivation to be reliable there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators connected the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks A necessary, fashioning this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a lexicon of over 200 Latin language, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks fair. The generated Lorem Ipsum is thence always free from repetition, injected wittiness, Oregon non-characteristic dustup etc.

Content Timeline - Responsive WordPress Plugin for Displaying Posts/Categories in a Sliding Timeline

FREE Download Content Timeline - Responsive WordPress Plugin for Displaying Posts/Categories in a Sliding Timeline Free Nulled Download

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